82 LAWYER MONTHLY ADR AWARDS 2024 Estate Litigation Lawyer of the Year Partner - Attwood Marshall Lawyers AUSTRALIA Lucy McPherson About Lucy McPherson Lucy McPherson has worked exclusively in estate litigation since 2010. Since starting her legal career in 2010, Lucy has worked exclusively in the area of estate litigation. Lucy is based on the border of New South Wales and Queensland and is competent working across all jurisdictions. Lucy has a thorough understanding of the complex discrepancies between each state and territory’s Succession Laws, culminating in an ability to provide sound advice for those clients who have cross-jurisdictional issues. Over the years she has also developed corresponding expertise in guardianship, financial management law and public trustee disputes. With lawyers in the family, Lucy developed an innate sense of justice from a young age and was drawn to pursuing a career in law, where she felt she could do something purposeful in her day-to-day work and contribute to something bigger than herself. She is a natural strategist and problem solver who takes a practical approach to resolving issues. Lucy has studied a Master of Applied Law (Wills & Estates) through the College of Law, achieving a mark of High Distinction across all subjects. She is continually learning and developing her skills as part of her commitment to maintain a high calibre of technical skills which in turn provides an excellent service for her clients.
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