Lawyer Monthly - ADR Awards 2023

Rebecca Andersen Associate Member Six Pump Court Tel:+65 93871131 Email: Linkedin: 21 LAWYER MONTHLY ADR AWARDS 2023 Arbitration Counsel of the Year About Rebecca Rebecca Andersen is an Associate Member of Six Pump Court, a Barristers’ Chambers based in Temple, London. She is a member of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, London. Rebecca is an accredited international commercial arbitrator and an arbitration counsel. She has held senior legal leadership roles in major global corporations in the USA, UK, HK, Malaysia and Singapore. By the end of 2023, she would have 26 years of work experience as both Advocate/ Solicitor and General Counsel. Although based in London, she understands Asia very well. Rebecca is multi-lingual and speaks various Asian languages (e.g. Mandarin) besides fluent English. Rebecca has established herself in the specialised domains of international business disputes, the sale of goods, commodities trading, oil & gas and maritime law. Rebecca accepts party and institutional appointments in both ad hoc and institutionally administered arbitrations. She is on the panel of various arbitration institutions, namely SIAC (Reserved Panel), AIAC and AIADR. She is also in the ICC Singapore Arbitration Group which receives prospective appointment of arbitrator from the ICC Court. Rebecca held appointments from Singapore’s Honourable Supreme Courts Judges for leading Committee work in promoting trade and law in the region. Rebecca is regularly invited to speak at conferences in Singapore and abroad. Rebecca is a Certified Sanctions Specialist, certified to advise sanctions matters imposed by the UK, USA, EU and UN. Rebecca has a Bachelor of Laws from Wales, and a Master of Laws (specialised in International Business Law) under the examinations from Queen Mary University of London & University College London. SINGAPORE “Fate took me to a civil path, but I never looked back as I had many good years, and still counting.” “R” -“Resilience. ADR requires Resilience because not all cases will have immediate resolutions, and cases may be complex, so maintaining a positive outlook is essential. “N” - Networking. Networking (seminars, workshops, industry events) can lead to valuable collaborations and opportunities.

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